Hats Galore

Hats, hats, and hats again! I started making
hats a few years
 back. I'm fairly new in the hat business,
but I've found them to be
extreamly enjoyable. Recently I've begun to design
 my own.
They are grand fun!
This handsom lad is modeling a kahki ivy cap (a.k.a. driver's cap) at a mid-summer wedding.

This is a six panneled 1970's style hat. I've made these out of crazy designs like the one above and from elegant  materials such as velvets, linens, denums, and floral cottons.


This hat is in a slightly different category in that it is knit rather than sewn. But still, I thought it might be of some interst. I started from absolute scratch in ordar to create this. I got a bag of wool from a sheep farm, washed it, combed it, carded it, spun it, and dyed it
 (with dye I made from rock tripe).

Finally, I knit the hat you see here! 
Baby bonnets up next! I love these sweet, tidy, tiny, little baby sun bonnets. They take some precise stich work, but the results are super sweet! Smocking in the front gathers the bonnet up tight, and ribbons tied under the chin keep it secure. The back has a casing with a ribbon threaded through to pull it all together.

Close-up of Smocking Work


 The hat above actually came from a man's old-fashioned dusted hat pattern. I tightened up the size and added feminine accents with embroidered greenery and beaded blue carnation.

Victorian hats! My first hat shown below was the beginning of my enchantment with the Victorian's elaborate style. This first hat was a farmer's straw hat that I tightly fitted plain white cotton to. With a lace edged rim, feather, dried flowers, and blue satin ribbon it was a humble beginning that inspired me to do more.


Above and below show my Victorian duster hat.
This hat is made of linen, silk lining, sheer ribbins, and fabric blossoms.


 Big, yellow, and exuding warm sun rays:
this is stunning on, and very Victorian.

Blue, pleated, chiffon hat with dried flowers and small corner bow


My pink rose garden hat.
"Roses, and Feathers, Roses, and Feathers"

And, just for giggles here is a picture of the "knot" hats I made for some sweet little boys I know! I made one for this boy's baby brother, but once he saw his baby brother's new hat, he wanted one too! So, I made this sweet little (show bellow) fellow one too.


Here is a cute little reversible sun hat. This hat is a little too big for this model, but still sweet!
Notice the apple blossoms on the hat and the tree behind!


Many more to
be posted soon!

1 comment:

  1. good work. I have just started making hats too. It is party of my recovery from a craniotomy. I am sewing some lounge pants and shorts and ties. All fun. I like your hats. Keep up the good work.

